Friday, November 21, 2008

What is going on with the world?!

Well, in the spirit if not having any time at all, I managed today to read the newspaper. The Herald Sun, dated Tuesday 13th November. That's right, I got to read 3 pages before Brandy (the puppy) and the Princess (5 months old and vocal) required lunch, NOW! Well, I'm sick and I don't care what they want. But back to the paper.

Zac Efron is the on the front page, who is he and why is he allowed out of school? He looks about 12, where are his parents for crying out loud? What is High School Musical and why isn't it in a high school? Why is it national news anyway?? Meh, the world has gone to shit since I started ignoring it. Union bosses calling transvestite prostitutes while overseas on "junkets", at least they aren't breaking peoples legs, or is that the mob who do that? An accused rapist, who happens to be a footy player (go figure) gets his name suppressed. Fair enough, innocent until proven guilty my friends, not just that but the article stated the alleged assault happened during a partner swapping incident. Well, in my view, partner swapping only happens for sex (or is that my wishful thinking?) so what's her problem??!!

My faith in human nature is confirmed, most people really are idiots!

Well, this weekend I am meeting one of my egg recipients who is flying down from Canberra. She's lovely and has also found an egg donor who can donate sooner than I can, I got an e-mail from her where she was trying to tell me about it but also tell me she wasn't rejecting me but would I mind etc and so on. God I laughed, I'm donating eggs, if things don't work out with this other woman then she can always come back to me, after all, I had told her to keep advertising just in case this happened. How wonderful for her that she gets her eggs sooner, this means she could could be pregnant at the same time as my first recipients, instead of having to wait a month or so until I can donate to her.

Lunch on Sunday, a civilized affair, wine, home cooked food, good friends and loads of laughter, I really can't wait!!!!!!!!!

Have a good one!!


Natasha said...

Wow, you read the paper?! Any paper! My goodness, I can't remember the last time I did that... Although I know that a good breakfast out was involved.

*shudder* about High School Musical. I saw the first one years ago when I was staying with my cousins (they were 4 at the time). It was dreadful. The amount of cheese in that film could cover the entirety of Italy without breaking a sweat. The typical-American-teen stereotypes came thick & fast throughout and they even managed to sing while playing basketball. 2 of my sisters watched it with me and have since been obsessed with the whole thing (of course, they love stupid movies, eg: Zoolander. I just can't get into that one either). I just can't bring myself to do it *grimace* yuk yuk yuk!

And yes, humanity does seem to get worse the longer you stay away from them. How exactly that works I have no idea.

And you suck, you could ahve had me over for lunch and I could have had the best excuse to not go to the LAN *sigh*

Well, enjoy all that good wine & laughter without me.

WitchOne said...

You can't wait for the LAN, I know you, you deny and deny but you love teh geekiness!