Friday, June 27, 2008

More easy food!! Yay FOOD!

I did Balsamic chicken last night. And I was lazy.

Peeled garlic, thickly sliced onion and potato and halved tomatoes in the roasting pan, topped with halved chicken breast (makes it look like there's more you know...).

Poured olive oil and balsamic vinegar over it, sprinkled salt pepper and a little sugar over the chicken and tomato bits. Roasted the lot for an hour, checked after 30 minutes and left it.

Dinner. And it didn't kill us.

Shouldn't kill you either

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


What day is it?? Is it Saturday yet?? I love Saturdays, you want to know why?? Velvet and Angel make pizza, wholemeal flat bread topped with tomato and oregano, for them it's an Aussie with pineapple and for me it's fresh tomato, goats cheese, parmesan, mozzarella and fresh basil.

Dear GOD! I need pizza now, seriously, what day is it??

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Wow! What a ride!!

Liathano is HERE!! (Or Lia to her friends.)

Well, it's been amazing, we were out of hospital within 12 hours, thankfully because, well, the food is crap there! The Chicken Cacciatore was almost grey. Ewwwwww.

Labour finally started at 11:05pm Sunday the 15th June, and we delayed going in, so many false alarms and I was sick of going into the hospital only to be told to go home again, plus I'd only been in there the night before to be told I was 3cm dilated and nowhere near ready. Huh! Like they'd know!!!!

Called Aunty K at about 11:45 and she had left her phone at home while going out to get smokes, she'd been so good about keeping it on her until then too. Called the kids godfather and almost cried and in the end everyone showed up at once! Love an audience during the most painful episode of my life!! Got to the car and instructed Velvet to make it faster, then demanded he not stop because it hurt, when he told me he could make it faster or smooth, I told him in no uncertain terms what I thought of his refusal to accede to my demands. I was being reasonable so why couldn't he??????

Hospital at 12:30am 16th June, demanding drugs. So the midwife tells me "We have to assess you darl, I'm sorry, no drugs until then" ARE YOU JOKING ME??????????? Midwives are not Dr's, I get that but do NOT tell me you cannot give me drugs when I HURT!!!!!!!!!!! Really.

So then it began, they finally got the gas happening to which I yelled "turn it up!!!!!!!!", apparently it was, so I told them it wasn't working and was crap, then it kicked in and I didn't like that either, then it started to wear off and I loved that part, even told Velvet it was good shit. Yeah.....

Then another contraction hit.

End of the world.

Poor Velvet, a very pissed off me demanding the gas, then hating it and throwing it away and demanding an epidural. Poor poor Velvet, he'd been instructed that I did not want an epidural, at all, I really didn't but his gentle, "are you sure you want to do this honey?" was met with unprintable language finished with the plea, I'm scared of pain, I'm not brave, I can't do this, it HURTS!!!!!!!!! Meanwhile he is still chasing the gas mouthpiece around the hospital room because I kept using it and throwing it away when I was done.

You have to laugh (after the fact) though, they were trying to put in the epidural, you know, the needle in the spine part? Where you have to stay still? Your partner helps hold you up so they don't miss and kill you or something. Velvet turned green. Even I was telling him to sit down and relax for a minute. Lucky he recovered quickly, his daughter was born about a minute and a half later and I was demanding McDonalds immediately! I was very hungry, after all, I had just gotten my stomach space back and it was empty!!

That's right, no drugs for the birth!!!!

Ugh, I do NOT recommend a natural birth, my labour was just under 2.5 hours from go to whoa and it was hell. To be all religious about it, God made drugs and it is a sin not to use them for their purpose. Finis!

The only scary part was the cord being wrapped around her neck, they thought it would slip off but then they realised it was too short and had to be cut. Here I am, half a baby hanging out and being told not to push. You're shitting me right? Then I looked and thought she wasn't breathing, and freaked out a little. Just a little, I swear it!!

Now though, I have an amazing daughter who is just like her brother was, no complaints, no excessive crying (in fact, pretty much no crying unless I'm at fault for not realising her nappy needs changing or she needs feeding). She sleeps, she poos, she smiles, she stays awake during the day and sleeps at night, and best of all? She has "almost" stopped looking like an alien! Her brother is devoted, her father is besotted, her mother did not require any medical intervention of any kind and so is back to normal, if running marathons were my thing I bet I could!! Now she is almost a week old and I have my breath back, I'm still impressed, and in love. To be this lucky, well, who would have thought it possible?

Feel free to hate me, I would if I were you!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Oh dear GOD! STILL going!!

Yep, that's right people, still up the duff.

On Monday night went to bookclub, this was hilarious fun for me because I had to get one of the girls to pick me up and take me over there, it was almost an hour drive to the Chefs' place but really, who was going to miss out on her cooking?? She did send an e-mail the day before bookclub expressing regret at my lack of expected attendance yada yada yada but again, she is a chef, HELLO!

Indian food was the call of the night, she did something Indian and amazing with the pav for dessert as well, I had wine and many helpings of food, I had to call the hospital as something started to happen. False alarm but I did sit on towels everywhere I went that night and thoroughly enjoyed dinner and catching up with the girls. A bookclub without books, you have to agree, it really is a clever idea, most of us are working Mums and read sporadically when we have time, the book part simply got too hard!

Yesterday a vegie friend came over for lunch so I made the mushrooms again, that makes spicy food 3 days in a row and this child simply seems to be settling down making herself even more comfortable in the increasingly warm environs of the womb. FFS!

I am trying acupuncture later today to see if we can get things moving that way. I can only hope.

Beef Strog was last nights dinner, I had forgotten until bookclub (when a heated debate regarding the best version of this dish ensued) how much I really enjoy it!

1 diced onion
500g el cheapo steak cut in strips
tiny tin tom paste
large tin mushrooms in butter sauce
cup of water
beef stock cube
small tub light sour cream

Fry off onion and beef, add the rest excluding the cream and cook until your fettucine is ready, add cream to strog and reheat gently.

This recipe is so forgiving, you can add more of anything, thin it down etc and so on to feed however many people you need to and it comes out looking rich and creamy every time!

Just a word of warning, never reheat the leftovers, the cream splits as soon as it even peeks at a microwave!! If planning on freezing or reheating it later, leave out the cream until just before serving, you can even put a dollop of cream on top of each plate and garnish with some finely chopped parsley.

But why would you bother? I mean really.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Still here.. Ugh

Well, look at me, all very efficient and updating this blog the very next day. Makes me feel rather clever, except I can't manage housework, sleep, "normal" conversation or anything resembling something that makes any kind of sense.

This, I will have you know, is because I hate/cannot stand/despise being pregnant!! Any woman who says she loves being pregnant is on some kind of dangerous drug and should see a medical professional immediately.

Last night, got restless, did the dishes with Velvets help, cleaned the kitchen tiles with an acidic mix of cloudy ammonia, white vinegar (I've seen "cleaning vinegar in the supermarket at twice the price of normal vinegar, does anyone really fall for that shit??) and some lavender stuff. Tool of choice for cleaning the kitchen tiles? An old toothbrush. Sick and sad I know.

After getting that done I realised that life as we know it depends on the kitchen roller blind being thoroughly cleaned, by hand, without being removed from the window. I did the lower half and threatened all sorts of minor and major "incidents" until Velvet got on the step ladder and did the bits I couldn't reach. He's very patient with me, especially as that 60 minutes "natural birth" without screaming (yeah right!) had finished earlier and I was in a right snit about it.

While completing all of this the real issue finally raised its' ugly head. WE WERE OUT OF ICE!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know. Shocking isn't it? Halfway through the night I had my head in the freezer pulling half formed ice cubes out of trays to eat.

Somewhere around deciding to do the dishes and dragging Velvet away from some crime show to help, I started getting contractions. WOOHOO!! Of course the last labour lasted 3 freakin' days but I was positive, if something is happening and this is my second then you would think it will go a little faster for me wouldn't you? Even though yesterday I did the exercise/spicy food/sex thing, can't believe it didn't work.

No, got to sleep at 4am, up again at 6:30, back in bed by 7 this morning, up again at 9 ish. Feel like death warmed over, am aware that I have a family but have not yet chosen to acknowledge them, they, wisely, are watching ABC Kids and keeping away. Time for another coffee and cigarette, then it's time to take the iPod back. Oh yeah, will talk about that another time, makes me stabby just thinking about it right now.

One good thing about being up the duff though, there was a large accident near my house last night so I, in all my wisdom, not to mention morbid curiousity, got up and went out to see. Water spewing everywhere, car in a weird position and all the fire engines, ambulances and police of a little boys wet dream. I was contracting quite well and wandered up to the firies and asked if were going to have electrical issues, after all, good possibility of being labour, would like to be able to call out should I need to. The guys just looked horrified (hehehehe), the water was hitting all the power lines and they were convinced we would lose power and water. We didn't, still, would love to know what happened, the end result was too weird looking.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Today is/was the day.

Well, today was the day the baby was due, I say was because, typically, no baby arrived. The stork has abandoned me for those in need or some such bullshit. So far in order to bring the "happy event" about in a timely manner I have walked to the bookshop (large hill on the way back) thought my uterus was going to fall out, had chimichurri mushrooms, 2 bourbons and am planning on jumping the Velvet man later after Angel boy goes to bed.

They say exercise, spicy food and sex all help, I doubt it personally but then, I don't care either, I enjoyed the first two and the 3rd option is bound to be fun, yay me!!

Today was interesting anyway, have a girlfriend doing a photography course who had an assignment which was - (confusingly) pick a word out of a list and take a series of 4 photo's for a digital collage representing that word but aren't that word. Got that people? Took me a minute or two.

End result, Tash chose Birth and came over today to take photo's of myself and Angel boy in the extremely exposed backyard of my house, topless and with belly exposed. My neighbours can see straight into my backyard due to the lack of fencing, they're in units and can simply look out their lounge room windows to check on us anytime. Oh, and they're old, 80's sounds about right, oh, and go to church every Sunday. Actually, maybe I should go over and check they're all still alive....

Do you have any idea how insanely massive my knockers are right now???? Think of the 2 Mt Kilimanjaro's on one of the Monty Pythons, then a whole other planet sitting below that! Jesus, I was impressed, looking down it doesn't seem that much but a straight on view is terrifying!

Will post the collage when I receive it, Tash said I could and I told her to get extra credit for getting the pics done on the due date.

Last thing, Chimichurri recipe is awesome!

1 TBS fresh Oregano
1 TBS fresh Mint
handful parsley
2 garlic cloves
1 small red chilli
3 TBS white wine vinegar
3 TBS olive oil

Whizz, mash or finely chop all together until a paste ish type texture.

Brush 6 large flat mushrooms with the above and grill both sides, fry some Haloumi or Saganaki and serve mushrooms, topped with cooked cheese and rest of paste over the top. Add some lemon quarters to cut the oil.

Damn it's good.


Friday, June 6, 2008

God I hope I get better at this!

Well, not sure if starting my first blog at 9 months pregnant while fighting with my employer, changing child care centres (hard!), running my partner ragged with pre baby preparations (yes dear, a nursery would be nice considering the baby is due this SUNDAY!!!!!), whinging to my friends about pregnancy and life in general and watching a war being waged between an anonymous site and some people who used to have a website I used to enjoy is all happening around me. But there you go, who said I'll think before I speak??!!

This place is mine, if you visit it will be because you have been invited or you found it accidentally, either way, grab a seat, I plan on filling the rooms with "stuff", my (often twisted) views on the world and stories about my family and friends which may ensure I'm disowned repeatedly. Plus there will be recipes and the odd joke, maybe (my joke telling sucks!).

Thank-you to Velvet for coming up with the name, you are beautiful, patient and loving to this old woman without a waist. Let's hope I learn how to work this thing before it gets too big or I lose interest.
