Sunday, June 8, 2008

Today is/was the day.

Well, today was the day the baby was due, I say was because, typically, no baby arrived. The stork has abandoned me for those in need or some such bullshit. So far in order to bring the "happy event" about in a timely manner I have walked to the bookshop (large hill on the way back) thought my uterus was going to fall out, had chimichurri mushrooms, 2 bourbons and am planning on jumping the Velvet man later after Angel boy goes to bed.

They say exercise, spicy food and sex all help, I doubt it personally but then, I don't care either, I enjoyed the first two and the 3rd option is bound to be fun, yay me!!

Today was interesting anyway, have a girlfriend doing a photography course who had an assignment which was - (confusingly) pick a word out of a list and take a series of 4 photo's for a digital collage representing that word but aren't that word. Got that people? Took me a minute or two.

End result, Tash chose Birth and came over today to take photo's of myself and Angel boy in the extremely exposed backyard of my house, topless and with belly exposed. My neighbours can see straight into my backyard due to the lack of fencing, they're in units and can simply look out their lounge room windows to check on us anytime. Oh, and they're old, 80's sounds about right, oh, and go to church every Sunday. Actually, maybe I should go over and check they're all still alive....

Do you have any idea how insanely massive my knockers are right now???? Think of the 2 Mt Kilimanjaro's on one of the Monty Pythons, then a whole other planet sitting below that! Jesus, I was impressed, looking down it doesn't seem that much but a straight on view is terrifying!

Will post the collage when I receive it, Tash said I could and I told her to get extra credit for getting the pics done on the due date.

Last thing, Chimichurri recipe is awesome!

1 TBS fresh Oregano
1 TBS fresh Mint
handful parsley
2 garlic cloves
1 small red chilli
3 TBS white wine vinegar
3 TBS olive oil

Whizz, mash or finely chop all together until a paste ish type texture.

Brush 6 large flat mushrooms with the above and grill both sides, fry some Haloumi or Saganaki and serve mushrooms, topped with cooked cheese and rest of paste over the top. Add some lemon quarters to cut the oil.

Damn it's good.


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