Monday, June 9, 2008

Still here.. Ugh

Well, look at me, all very efficient and updating this blog the very next day. Makes me feel rather clever, except I can't manage housework, sleep, "normal" conversation or anything resembling something that makes any kind of sense.

This, I will have you know, is because I hate/cannot stand/despise being pregnant!! Any woman who says she loves being pregnant is on some kind of dangerous drug and should see a medical professional immediately.

Last night, got restless, did the dishes with Velvets help, cleaned the kitchen tiles with an acidic mix of cloudy ammonia, white vinegar (I've seen "cleaning vinegar in the supermarket at twice the price of normal vinegar, does anyone really fall for that shit??) and some lavender stuff. Tool of choice for cleaning the kitchen tiles? An old toothbrush. Sick and sad I know.

After getting that done I realised that life as we know it depends on the kitchen roller blind being thoroughly cleaned, by hand, without being removed from the window. I did the lower half and threatened all sorts of minor and major "incidents" until Velvet got on the step ladder and did the bits I couldn't reach. He's very patient with me, especially as that 60 minutes "natural birth" without screaming (yeah right!) had finished earlier and I was in a right snit about it.

While completing all of this the real issue finally raised its' ugly head. WE WERE OUT OF ICE!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know. Shocking isn't it? Halfway through the night I had my head in the freezer pulling half formed ice cubes out of trays to eat.

Somewhere around deciding to do the dishes and dragging Velvet away from some crime show to help, I started getting contractions. WOOHOO!! Of course the last labour lasted 3 freakin' days but I was positive, if something is happening and this is my second then you would think it will go a little faster for me wouldn't you? Even though yesterday I did the exercise/spicy food/sex thing, can't believe it didn't work.

No, got to sleep at 4am, up again at 6:30, back in bed by 7 this morning, up again at 9 ish. Feel like death warmed over, am aware that I have a family but have not yet chosen to acknowledge them, they, wisely, are watching ABC Kids and keeping away. Time for another coffee and cigarette, then it's time to take the iPod back. Oh yeah, will talk about that another time, makes me stabby just thinking about it right now.

One good thing about being up the duff though, there was a large accident near my house last night so I, in all my wisdom, not to mention morbid curiousity, got up and went out to see. Water spewing everywhere, car in a weird position and all the fire engines, ambulances and police of a little boys wet dream. I was contracting quite well and wandered up to the firies and asked if were going to have electrical issues, after all, good possibility of being labour, would like to be able to call out should I need to. The guys just looked horrified (hehehehe), the water was hitting all the power lines and they were convinced we would lose power and water. We didn't, still, would love to know what happened, the end result was too weird looking.

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