Friday, June 6, 2008

God I hope I get better at this!

Well, not sure if starting my first blog at 9 months pregnant while fighting with my employer, changing child care centres (hard!), running my partner ragged with pre baby preparations (yes dear, a nursery would be nice considering the baby is due this SUNDAY!!!!!), whinging to my friends about pregnancy and life in general and watching a war being waged between an anonymous site and some people who used to have a website I used to enjoy is all happening around me. But there you go, who said I'll think before I speak??!!

This place is mine, if you visit it will be because you have been invited or you found it accidentally, either way, grab a seat, I plan on filling the rooms with "stuff", my (often twisted) views on the world and stories about my family and friends which may ensure I'm disowned repeatedly. Plus there will be recipes and the odd joke, maybe (my joke telling sucks!).

Thank-you to Velvet for coming up with the name, you are beautiful, patient and loving to this old woman without a waist. Let's hope I learn how to work this thing before it gets too big or I lose interest.



Ramon Insertnamehere said...

Maybe you should start a major blogging war, Witchie.

I hear that can boost traffic.

WitchOne said...

So have I Ramon, imagine the havoc I could wreak, imagine...........