Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Teeth, overrated in any language.

Wow. I went to the dentist today. A lifetime of ignoring my teeth and generally mistreating them (chewing ice, toffee, not brushing them regularly etc and so on) has come back to make me pay. You always think that some people are just born with weak teeth or they really didn't look after them in their youth, but whatever the problem is, it is not going to apply to you. No way no how.

It's lies. Look after your chompers people, you may be sad about the dentist bills later in life. Today was a cool $1,000. Do you have any idea how many pairs of shoes I could buy for that?? ANY IDEA AT ALL?? Hmmm.

Next visit, in 3 months will be $1,100, this will finish off the root canal started today, this is the 2nd root canal for this tooth and as it is my back molar, I would like to keep it. I lost its neighbour when I was pregnant the first time so I'm running short of teeth in that side of my mouth.

The receptionist appears to like me, I filled in the paperwork they give you.

Name - check.

Address - check

Who is responsible for your bills - me, my health fund, a random sugardaddy if you happen to know one who's willing.

Any serious illnesses in the past - terminal pregnancy

Were do you work - *insert company name here* for all your xxxx needs

Poor love, she was in stitches trying to input the information.

Then after telling them how much I dislike the dentist, how it scares me etc, I fell asleep during the procedure, three times. I'd wake with a start, the dentist would ask if I was ok and I'd nod and promptly doze off again.

I think I may be their favourite patient right now. And I think I like them too. Lovely people even though they do charge me a fortune just to walk in the door.

Too many aprons

At least as far as Witchy is concerned, there is no such thing.

Witchy and I finally caught up for the first time in ages again on the weekend.

I brought her Tupperware, a lovely skirt of mine that she's had her eye on for ages and another apron. After purchasing the apron I thought it might be prudent - if a little late - to check with hubby (or however we refer to him in this blog, I forget) if another apron might be taking it too far. We both agreed that it might never be possible

After much gushing over said items (Witchy) and children (me - they're so cute and I can give them back whenever I want!) We then proceeded to Catch Up.

Love, life, the universe, everything. It never ceases to amazing me that it doesn't matter how long we've been apart, we get together again and it's like the conversation never stopped. It's marvellous. There are very few people in the world I am lucky enough to have that sort of relationship with and I am eternally thankful for every one of them.

Following on from my last post - with all the stressing and having way too much on my plate, on top of it all I went for a job interview yesterday. My housemate's workplace have a few $1,000 a week cash in hand positions going. From what my housemate told me the job could be performed quite easily on a part time basis - three days a week. So I thought I'd be able to keep my cushy job and this new one and pay off my rather extensive debts in a few short months. However at the interview the impression was definitely that it was a full time job on offer and that part time wasn't going to be on the table for quite a while, if ever. *sigh* That said, the job was going to be sales and not-exactly-cold-more-like-lukewarm-calling - something that is completely NOT up my alley. So I guess it's all's well that ends well. And I'll just have to pay my debts off slowly like all the other normal people.

So now I'm still trying to end ties with Tupperware and ENJO. But I also want a pantry full of Tupperware and a cleaning cupboard full of ENJO - so I need to do the 'staff discount' thing until I'm done... However being grossly in debt and all that means I can't just get it all at once. *sigh*

Speaking of grossly, I've put on weight. And I don't like it. So I'm doing something I've never ever done in my life before: I'm dieting. So far so rocky. I leapt off the bandwagon with avengence last night, however am back on today... This diet thingy is a four-day-wonder, which I mix things up every four days (excellent for those like myself who suffer from a short attention-span). And I cringe every time I read those words - anything that tells me I'll lose 5 kilos in 3 days* I know is bunk. But this time I just can't help myself. I've stopped exercising, I'm not eating as well as I'd like to be, so maybe, just maybe, if I kick-start myself into action, then I just might get into the swing of things and all of a sudden cruising at my ideal weight won't be difficult at all.

Here's hoping.

Does it ever all really work out anyway?

Can I be a more content person with less money, less to do and more time for myself?

Experiment Happiness**: beginning now. I bit late, but better late than never right?


* It actually says 2 kilos in 1 week, but still. I know that optimum weight loss is 1 kilo a week, I haven't completely lost it.***

** or Contentment - that'd be a good place to start...

*** Yet.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Keeping up with the Joneses

Or however you feel like spelling that...

Not to be outdone, I'm updating my side of the universe to keep up with Witchy :)

FYI missy, you ARE indeed "not. that. bad." That's why we all hang around.

Anyway, back to me.

Things that have happened (in roughly chronological order) since - well - forever in point form so as not to blather on for too long:

I finished my Diploma (HD's all round, thank you thank you).

~ 2 year anniversary with the love o' my life (how do I know? Well, I suppose I don't, but right now, it feels pretty bloody amazing... Don't shatter my dreams k?).

~ I got sweet talked into being a Tupperware Lady (old, saggy and a tendency to wear floral patterns and/or twin sets: optional extras).

Got a housemate - interesting times.

~ Got my very first credit card.

I got sweet talked into being an ENJO (look it up, I can't be bothered explaining right now if you don't already know) demonstrator.

Christmas with the whole fandamily.

~ A lovely quiet New Years.

~ Hung out with the father-in-law for a few weeks while he graced us with his presence.

Got stressed. I mean really REALLY stressed here.

Got quietly pissed off at my friends for being entirely unsupportive. Seriously, how hard is it to reply to a freaking email - doesn't take up much time and a little caring goes a long way... *seethe*

Got more stressed (see above).

~ Decided I'm not doing nearly enough for myself and have had a serious re-think about life, the universe and everything... And decided to ditch both Tupperware and ENJO... Sometime in the near future. Tupperware after I've kitted out my kitchen, and ENJO after I've kitted out my house... Friends and family henceforth get a 20% discount off (which makes it wholesale price) all products.

After the f*cking landlord raised the f*cking rent for the THIRD time in 18 months* had a hissy fit and am now looking into high interest savings accounts and home loans and house/unit/duplex/terrace/apartment/hovel/shed options and desirable suburbs. Verdict: it's bloody expensive. Sadly, it's the only way I can get the windows fixed when I want and don't have to feel like a second class citizen any more. I rang the agent and had a word in her ear about it, she told me I was taking it too personally. Really, I'm taking MY HOME too personally?!

~ Cleaned out just about all of the crap from my room! Oh my goodness, the space we have, it's brilliant! So now my lovely little flat almost looks exactly like I want it to! Yay!

~ Fell off the wagon (ie: stopped Weight Watchers and exercising), put on nearly 5 kilos and am now attempting to leap back onto the wagon with a vengeance.

~ Got so stressed and tired I popped a blood vessel in my eyeball (that was shocking I can tell you - looking in the mirror about to do my eye make-up only to find a bloody big red spot next to your iris. Of course, the amount of House MD I've been watching recently can't be helping).

Having decided that I no longer want to do Tupperware and ENJO and actually want to do what I want to do (photography, Montessori education [meaning I want to teach it, not just learn about it], a few day trips here & there with my lovely young man, some chill time on my own and some socialising with my friends - but not so much that I get sick of them [or they get sick of me, which I suppose is an option, but really, I'm wonderful, so why would they?]), I just want it all happening NOW. Unfortunately, life isn't like the movies and you can't cut out all the boring bits like when they go to the toilet, clean their rooms, take out their rubbish or have to do their taxes** so I have to just work through it *sigh*.

~ Blew up the starter motor in my car ($500 no sweat).

Continue to procrastinate at work (case in point: this post).

Sooo... I think that brings us about up to speed. And oh look, I still managed to blather on a bit - go me :D

As you were.

* By $80pcm 18 months ago, then $135pcm 12 months ago, and now another $90pcm this time. We've sent off the 'we're not happy Jan' letter however I doubt it'll do much good. Apparently it's still within 'current market value'. Of course, taking into account that Melbourne*** is the 8th most expensive place to rent IN THE WORLD, that doesn't actually mean anything good.

** Unless it's a plot point vital to the - uh - plot.

*** In case you're interested, Sydney is the 2nd most expensive.

Toilet Training

Wow.. Toilet training a baby again. This sucks. With Angel boy it was all easy, at 18 months old I dropped him off at child care with 5 changes of clothing, no nappies and the simple instruction; "make it happen". Within about a week we could take him out without nappy on and not worry about the upholstery on the car or the pram too much. Easy. *sigh*

This time, different child care centre, same routine but it seems to be so much harder! Why on earth can't they keep an eye on my Pixie girl and ask her if she needs to wee. After all, don't they watch her when she's there anyway?

Kids. Ahhhhhh. Love'em!