Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Teeth, overrated in any language.

Wow. I went to the dentist today. A lifetime of ignoring my teeth and generally mistreating them (chewing ice, toffee, not brushing them regularly etc and so on) has come back to make me pay. You always think that some people are just born with weak teeth or they really didn't look after them in their youth, but whatever the problem is, it is not going to apply to you. No way no how.

It's lies. Look after your chompers people, you may be sad about the dentist bills later in life. Today was a cool $1,000. Do you have any idea how many pairs of shoes I could buy for that?? ANY IDEA AT ALL?? Hmmm.

Next visit, in 3 months will be $1,100, this will finish off the root canal started today, this is the 2nd root canal for this tooth and as it is my back molar, I would like to keep it. I lost its neighbour when I was pregnant the first time so I'm running short of teeth in that side of my mouth.

The receptionist appears to like me, I filled in the paperwork they give you.

Name - check.

Address - check

Who is responsible for your bills - me, my health fund, a random sugardaddy if you happen to know one who's willing.

Any serious illnesses in the past - terminal pregnancy

Were do you work - *insert company name here* for all your xxxx needs

Poor love, she was in stitches trying to input the information.

Then after telling them how much I dislike the dentist, how it scares me etc, I fell asleep during the procedure, three times. I'd wake with a start, the dentist would ask if I was ok and I'd nod and promptly doze off again.

I think I may be their favourite patient right now. And I think I like them too. Lovely people even though they do charge me a fortune just to walk in the door.

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