Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Oh dear GOD! STILL going!!

Yep, that's right people, still up the duff.

On Monday night went to bookclub, this was hilarious fun for me because I had to get one of the girls to pick me up and take me over there, it was almost an hour drive to the Chefs' place but really, who was going to miss out on her cooking?? She did send an e-mail the day before bookclub expressing regret at my lack of expected attendance yada yada yada but again, she is a chef, HELLO!

Indian food was the call of the night, she did something Indian and amazing with the pav for dessert as well, I had wine and many helpings of food, I had to call the hospital as something started to happen. False alarm but I did sit on towels everywhere I went that night and thoroughly enjoyed dinner and catching up with the girls. A bookclub without books, you have to agree, it really is a clever idea, most of us are working Mums and read sporadically when we have time, the book part simply got too hard!

Yesterday a vegie friend came over for lunch so I made the mushrooms again, that makes spicy food 3 days in a row and this child simply seems to be settling down making herself even more comfortable in the increasingly warm environs of the womb. FFS!

I am trying acupuncture later today to see if we can get things moving that way. I can only hope.

Beef Strog was last nights dinner, I had forgotten until bookclub (when a heated debate regarding the best version of this dish ensued) how much I really enjoy it!

1 diced onion
500g el cheapo steak cut in strips
tiny tin tom paste
large tin mushrooms in butter sauce
cup of water
beef stock cube
small tub light sour cream

Fry off onion and beef, add the rest excluding the cream and cook until your fettucine is ready, add cream to strog and reheat gently.

This recipe is so forgiving, you can add more of anything, thin it down etc and so on to feed however many people you need to and it comes out looking rich and creamy every time!

Just a word of warning, never reheat the leftovers, the cream splits as soon as it even peeks at a microwave!! If planning on freezing or reheating it later, leave out the cream until just before serving, you can even put a dollop of cream on top of each plate and garnish with some finely chopped parsley.

But why would you bother? I mean really.


Ramon Insertnamehere said...

By crikey Witchie, a beef strog recipe so simple even I could do it.


katemac said...

I think you may have blown that "spicy food will bring on the baby" theory right out of the water, Witchy.

Hope the acupuncture works. Maybe a deep tissue massage? Even if you don't go into labour, it'd be nice...?

Ooh my mum adds a packet of french onion soup instead of the beef cube. So basic, but I still ask her to make it every birthday I'm at home. I loves me some beef stroganoff...

Kitten Wrangler said...

Have you considered going outside and playing on the trampoline?

That _might_ help.

WitchOne said...

Anytime Ramon. I like simplicity in the kitchen, let me know how you go. :-)

Looks like the clinic isn't open Katemac, damn rich professor who chooses his own hours! Never thought of the soup addition before, might have to try it.

Walked about 4 klms yesterday KW, bored now, exercise was never my thing!

Danni said...

Hello my darling, as I said on the phone I still think you are a cow for letting the world know on your blog before me the sex of the baby, but that aside you can re-heat beef strog but you have to do it slowly and mix regularly during re-heat and it comes out fine. Mum often makes too much and so that's how I re-heat.
Anyways must fly or I will be killed by our mother for not vaccuuming again, lol.

Love always x x x x

WitchOne said...

Never works for me, the cream ALWAYS splits!!!!!!!!!!

Perseus said...

Go Witchy!