Friday, November 21, 2008

What I'll be doing on the weekend

This weekend I will be attending an official LAN party. For all of you out there not in the know (most of you I'm sure - good for you!), this means a lot of geeks and gamers head out of doors (an annual occasion, kind of like family Christmas) and go to a massive hall where they plug their computers (you didn't think they'd leave them at home did you?) back in and link up to hundreds of other geeks and gamers and play games, eat junk food, show off your bangin' PC set up and copy all the movies, music, porn, tv series and games you could possibly want. Oh and it runs from 10am on Saturday until 2pm on Sunday and most people there will stay awake that entire time.

Of course, they say in the rules that no illegal activity (ie: copying of illegally downloaded stuff) is to take place, however as this is exactly what the purpose of a LAN is, they're not actually going to enforce it. Kind of like going to a rave where they say 'no illegal drugs are to be comsumed' knowing full well that everyone there will be bouncing off the walls all night.

So I'm sure you're wondering why the heck I'm even going. I'm not your typical gamer/geek. OK, I wear glasses, but they're sexy glasses. OK, I play computer games, but only one really, and only when there's nothing to blog about these days. I'm not overweight and of the un-healthily pale complexion with the bad acne that goes hand in hand with those who never see the sun and stay up stupidly late staring at a computer screen and consuming copious amounts of sugar, fat and energy drinks. So why?

I'm blaming Mr Aesop. Because he asked nicely. Damn him for being so handsome and geeky all at once! I'm in love with a nerd *sigh* and there's nothing to be done about it. Although, he did say that I had to come, just this once, to say I'd been and to see whether or not I like it. And once I've been, I can refuse from hereon in.

My point to all of this? Really, I don't have one. I'm very trepidatious about exactly how it's all going to pan out and I just wanted to share. One of my friends, upon me advising him of my weekend plans, told me he couldn't laugh loud enough. I imagine this is going to be a common response, so feel free to join in the pointing and laughing.


WitchOne said...

hehehe, bet you wish our shopping weekend hadn't been postponed dontcha??!!


Natasha said...

OMG yes!

I forgot to mention I'm seeing Bond tonight as well (can't wait!)