Friday, November 21, 2008

To make you feel.

Well, I went looking for sad music today and I found I don't own 2 songs that I love which always make me cry. I could be sad because Velvet named a number of his pet hates last night and I am sick so anything is guaranteed to make me feel worse. It could also be that he never gets vocal, so to choose my faults as the focus of his "vocal moment", well, one has to wonder.

Anyway, check these songs out, they're old, they're probably a bit daggy, but they have me in tears every time!

And one that makes me smile.

Gotta love YouTube for it's amazing collection of memories.

1 comment:

Natasha said...

Aww, you made me cry at work :,( *sob*

Even the last one which is supposed to be nice! I mean, it is nice, but it still made me cry *sniffle*