Friday, November 28, 2008

Christmas shopping, kind of....

Well, we went shopping last night, Aesophia and I, decided to get any gifts not yet bought and take care of the last minute things, she'll be in NZ over Christmas while I have the entire family descending on my house. We need to be organised! HA!

Late night shopping finishes at 9 and yet we didn't finish dinner until 7:45, Sakura in Knox is fabulous by the way!! On the way into Knox we stopped off at the Kitchen Trader where we whiled (wasted) away another 30 minutes, stopped at San Churros for chocolate and managed to eat that as we walked. Finally got to Target, I like Target these days, they have better quality stock than they used to and have really set themselves apart as a chain store. They are still a chain store, just a little better than the other chain stores if you know what I mean. Aesophia needed pj's for NZ that are suitable to wear in front of her future father in law, I'm not sure the nightie we chose fits that bill but damn it looked good on her, I didn't find the pj's I wanted but I guess flannelet is a winter thing.

On to socks, well, Aesophia said she needed socks but has buy mens sizes, she does have big feet but she is also really tall so it works, if her feet were smaller she'd fall over a lot. I found girly socks in her size!!!!!!! We got so excited and whiled (wasted) away another 20 minutes looking at socks, getting all excited over patterns, stripes, colours and lengths. Socks are cool. But shoes are cooler, and we go to them eventually!!

You want to know the most important thing? We found fluffy thongs with diamantes on them!!!!! They're like slippers but better and are black, fluffy, have diamantes in flower patterns and feel like fluffy little clouds of happiness to your feet. Bliss!! I bought her a pair, which she protested as they aren't her thing, well, she'll eat her words when she tried them on! She bought mine, that's Christmas done for each other for $20!!

Now we just have Saturday shopping to get through, it's clothes, for ourselves, but they're vintage clothes and nothing over $20 so we shall see........ mmmmmmmm.......

I should mention here we also looked at Macs and Aesophia promised me an iPod power cord, she better come through for me, my iPod is crying!!!!!! I found my new computer, a Mac, it's sexy, she found her new computer, a MacBookPro, it's sexiest. I love her geekiness, she loves, ummmm, my cooking maybe??

Never mind, there's love!!

Oh, and we didn't buy anyone a gift.


Natasha said...

You totally stole my next post >.<

WitchOne said...

You can do it too, if you want to that is... :-P You'll have a different take on it anyway!

WitchOne said...

How beautiful are your fluffy thongs??

Natasha said...

Oh, I forgot to message you as promised.. it was late and there was a slinky nightie to model.

The fluffy thongs are indeed soft and spangly, all at once... I'll wear them when I remember ;P

WitchOne said...

I don;t ever wa5t to take mine off, and I love my new "boat" shoes too. It's so confusing having 2 favourite pairs of shoes at once!!

Ramon Insertnamehere said...

Chicks, eh!

I did my Christmas shopping over the internet.

Click, click, click, over and done in 10 minutes, settle back with a well deserved Coopers.

Natasha said...

Ramon, you deserve a Coopers after getting out of bed in the morning, after drinking you coffee, after going to the toilet, after sighing, after blogging (or probably more likely during)...

What I'm saying is, you don't need an excuse ;P

Ramon Insertnamehere said...

Thanks Aesophia.

Are they your feet in that photo?

They don't look that big.

WitchOne said...

Ramon, you have distance......

I've done my Christmas shopping over the net too, which is just as well because shopping with missy is clearly not getting gifts for anyone but me!