Thursday, November 13, 2008

I've had it, up to HERE!!

Well, my employer is, in the timeless phrasing of someone I know, vaguely, over the internet, or a bunch of people, I can't remember exactly.

Let me start again, my employer is a cunt cunt.

That's right, I said "that" word, not once, but twice, and I used it in a derogatory manner. Sue me.

I am on maternity leave right? Right. Well, while I was pregnant I got the treatment guaranteed to push anyone who is a little protective of their unborn child, out of the workplace, on stress leave, at their suggestion and my Doctors' urging.

That claim was rejected so I'm fighting it.

While on mat leave they made me redundant.

And tried to tell me I have no choice, they told me so in writing.

This is where I love the union.

Now see, I am not a big fan of rough and tumble let's scam all we can under the guise of "it's union and therefore right because we can screw the employer" but I am a fan of my union, they seem to be really good, as they said (in my words), "these are your rights under law, you've been badly treated, we can prove that, let's make sure you aren't totally screwed."

I like that way of thinking. I'm not looking to scam anyone, I'm not looking for than my job or a decent enough sum of money to make me happy to lose my job.

Fair enough right?

Wish me luck. It's tough going.


Natasha said...

Good luck hun!

And may I say, you articulate your (well founded) bitching so well!

WitchOne said...

I've been drinking since then so I can't figure out if you're being serious or taking the shit.

Can you tell me? Please? I won't mind either way.

Natasha said...

I'm being serious! For both comments :)

I've always admired your skill at being able to tell people exactly what you think of them and they walk away wondering if you were complimenting or insulting them. This also turns nasty for the receiver of your creative invective when you're REALLY pissed off, they'll be picking up bits of themselves from the floor for the next 6 months because you turned off the 'insult-with-a-smile' switch and just went straight for their guts :)

How's the hangover today then babe?

WitchOne said...

No hangover. I just hate the world.

WitchOne said...

And thank-you, you credit me with far more verbal creativity than I feel I'm actually capable of. But I love hearing it so feel free to keep going.

Ramon Insertnamehere said...

Everybody sing!!

"The union forever, defending our rights,
Down with the black-legs, all workers unite."

Good luck with that, comrade.

WitchOne said...

Yeah, I know, I'm so anti union, but you see, now they're doing stuff FOR me, which is always nice....

I have an hilarious story for you Ramon, e-mail me so I send it to you. Trust me, this is very worth it.

Ramon Insertnamehere said...

Errm, I don't have your email address.

WitchOne said...

I forgot the story now. If I ever remember it I will find a way to send it to you.

It was good.

Ramon Insertnamehere said...

Well, that's just great.

Leave me dangling here, why don't you?

WitchOne said...

I'm easily distracted by bright shiny things, this is not necessarily my fault although I've never worked out who to blame it on.

Ramon Insertnamehere said...

Blame society.

That's what I usually do.

Natasha said...

Yeah, society cops it, with good reason a lot of the time, I say go with that :)