Friday, January 29, 2010

On the road again...

It's time to restart, I have been avoiding this blog in the vain hope that all of last year hadn't happened, or if it did, then it wasn't as bad or as badly handled (by me) as I'd feared.

After reading last years posts I found out one thing about myself, I'm not so bad, even when I'm falling apart and life is killing me slowly (with his song, killing me slowly, now I'm thinking "About a Boy" with Hugh Grant and I hate that movie.). I may not be all grace under fire and sunshiney la di da but I am still, not. that. bad.

So, that's my personal boost done, let's get down to business. Angel boy had his first day at school yesterday. Wow. My baby boy, my little man, my tiny angel. Taking that first step away from my apron strings. Next thing you know he's going to be getting girlfriends, into fights with boys (no doubt at least one), getting his licence, passing or failing exams (passing or there may be repercussions) and from there, a life of his own. Just wow. I got all that from one little old day at school. Clever aren't I? He loves school and looks adorable in his uniform, in case you're wondering.

Pixie girl is toilet training and has moved into the toddlers room at child care. She's amazing me every day with her manners, yes at 18 months old she has manners, she says "pardon" and many many many more words, sentences and simple concepts. She also impresses me with her inventiveness at staying "up", this kid can climb a person like a monkey climbs a tree and if you try to put her down without her permission, she somehow manages to lift her legs to impossible heights, like almost around your neck, in order to cling even tighter and stay where she wants to be. It's funny, when you have the time to laugh about it.

I'm working full time again. There was a slight issue with that for a minute, they wanted to extend my probation. I said no. It took them a while but they did see it my way eventually. Thank GOD! More on that another day as I will be updating more often now I'm not scared to come back and see negative comments. After all, there are so few comments, and none bad (thankfully) that this is almost like talking to myself. But without the weirdness should I get caught doing it in public.

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