Monday, July 6, 2009

My word!

Well, I'm a mother so what do you expect when I see this blog hasn't been updated since last April and NO ONE SEEMS TO CARE! Besides my beloved co blogger has already utilised "Oh bother" this year and that writes it off for me I guess.

I'm in a state at the moment, I'm going to mediation with my ex employer (a large Telecommunications company that made me redundant while I was on maternity leave (legal I'll have you know, yes I was shocked too) but they also lied about me and I don't like that.). Anyway, mediation is on Wednesday, Jobwatch won't help because I'm not a guaranteed winner and this large Telecommunications company is going to trot out a whole heap of spurious complaints about my work while conveniently forgetting the accounts I saved, the customers I impressed and the account managers I kept in work because I either took the blame for their mistakes or I covered them up so the customer never found out (not to mention that crap I hid for management).

Let's add to that my current unemployment, 2 children (ye gads! Full time mother material I am NOT!), bills to pay etc and so on. I could also mention here a friends messy divorce and my subsequent poisoning as a shitty side effect, IVF egg donation going skewiff and having to be restarted and my sometime dedication to the gym with another girlfriend of mine.

Plus, the list goes on, I currently have a crush on a man not my beloved (don't worry, he doesn't know and neither does anyone else, except you of course and we shall keep it that way ok.).

That's not all but when is it ever?? I do have some good news of course, Michael Jackson is dead. Yes yes he was a genius and I have some sadness but my sadness is for the MJ of the 80's not the one of the last 20 odd years who has been a complete freaky scary dude that I would not let near children. Yet they have given his kids to his mother. WHO DO THEY THINK RAISED MICHAEL JACKSON???? 'tards. Those poor kids, out of the frying pan and into the fire.

I have done some cooking lately but nothing to write home or on here about and my children are still alive. I love them, I really do. Why do they seem to only have one volume though?? LOUD!

I'll write in detail another day, today, I have to walk the dog, cook dinner, pick up the kids, finish the vacuuming, do some washing and finish applying for a job outside my field but here's hoping!!


Lewd Bob said...

When I had a day job, I realised that working hard for the company, in any sort of commited way, inevitably leads to a complete lack of acknowledgment. It's all about them, their money and their fucking shareholders. And they try to tell you it's all about the people. I believe that as much as I do when David Brent says it.

WitchOne said...

Yeah Lewd, they fucked me over and it was for personal amusement, I know it, they know it, it's proving it that's hard.

Let's face facts, they scared off the other 3 women in the team, I was the stayer. I never thought that would be me but I was hanging out for mat leave and was planning on moving up and out soon enough but I never got the chance.